Monday, September 3, 2007

Day #9 - 3 September 2007

Getting back to Kuala Lumpur, I knew I had plenty of catching up to do. First of all, plenty had happened over the past few days in Kuala Lumpur alone, not to mention nationwide. of the highlights of the year if not the biggest! Surely other contestants are splashed across the newspapers and tv for appearing in the Merdeka celebs.

So, early morning I was up despite the tiring journey we've been through for the past few days. Why? We've got some party to attend.... the pics below said it all. Needless to say, we ran into some issues with the event's PR saying that we were on the wrong grounds. We're just introducing some new friends to ISP!
After that launch, we headed towards KLCC's food court to catch some brunch since we went to the launch on empty stomaches. On the way there, a security guard approached us and practically told us off for bringing ISP along. We then mentioned that we wanted to have a meal at the foodcourt and then he relented by saying that we got to carry it face inwards and to leave AFTER having the meal. Joanne and I left without having that meal. Talk about the wasn't that we were handing out leaflets or anything to promote. It's the same concept- if you're wearing a shirt with Levi's printed across, you're expecting to take it off in public places? Man.... the guard even said that he mentioned the same to another 2 of my friends yesterday (Sunday). LOL, sorry security dude, I don't know which other 2 friends but I assume he meant another 2 recruiters. This competition's beginning to get ugly response from certain parties. Since Joanne was on halfday, we didn't bother to pursue it and went to eat chicken horfun at Imbi, loads nicer than most food we can find at the foodcourt! ;)

After brunch, I headed back home and rested a while. We went to Uptown midevening with Aleks (thanks for tagging along and being a delightful companion) to collect new jeans I won from an online Levis contest. These jeans are from the Skinny Fit line which Jolin Tsai, a Taiwanese artist promotes on the ad hanging in local Levi's stores. Well, I'd have to cut my legs into 2 to at least look nice in this pair..I did send word out to close friends to try and I'd sell it to them at half price but there weren't enough time for most to do so and most of the shops in KL/PJ have sold out their stock on this style.. so I guess I'm having a limited edition pair of jeans which I can't wear...well, not at least now. As I'm telling my galpals, I'm gonna hang this up and look at it everyday as I work on my Anyone who's interested in this pair: size 27, pls feel free to post me. Waist and hips fit fine, a lil loose...just that my big calves doesn't really go with this cut! Ika and Serena were there during the collection as well, so if you both are interested, feel free to let me know..we're living under the same roof now you know. We all enjoyed bubble tea after that on the way back home. Tonight, we were having drinks and supper at a mamak at Tmn Desa to bid Su who was going back to Hawaii where an accident actually happened right infront of the mamak place. No press though- unlucky for ISP.


Anonymous said...

hey! this was like on merdeka day itself, i actually went to klcc with ISP. walk around a bit, the guards starting to look at me suspiciously then at one point i was standing waiting for a friend, he came up to me and say, are you putting it here? i'm like NO....i'm just waiting. then i walk around a bit more then another guard came and jalan sini jalan sana, you have to take it away.

like you said, if i were to be wearing a BIG RHB tshirt and walk here walk there, would you even care?

ah well...those were the days hehe

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